This list is ongoing; journals and other publications will be added as I find them. This list includes peer-reviewed & scholarly journals, trade journals, magazines, publication series, and white papers. For a list of
The first half of this list is journals and other periodicals that are freely available online, with links to access.
The second half is just a plain list of journals and other periodicals that require a subscription. You may be able to access them through your library's collection or databases. Some of these are freely available to members of the American Library Association and its divisions.
Freely Accessible Journals, Periodicals, & White Papers
- General Library Science
- Endnotes
The peer-reviewed, scholarly journal of the New Members Round Table of the ALA. - In the Library With the Lead Pipe
Open access, peer-reviewed journal on library topics. - Journal of Intellectual Freedom & Privacy
The most current issue is subscription-only, but the archives should be available openly. - Journal of Librarianship & Information Science
The most recent issues are behind a paywall, but archived issues are free to view. - Library Journal
LJ is a trade journal that offers both free online content and subscription-based content.
- School, Public, & Youth Librarianship
- Public Libraries Online
This is the companion to the subscription-only Public Libraries magazine from the Public Library Association (PLA). They reprint some of the articles on this website. Public Libraries is freely available to members of the association. - Children & Libraries
Official journal of the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC). Archives free online up to the fifth-most-recent issue. - Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults
An open-access, peer-reviewed journal published by the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA). - School Library Research
A scholarly research journal from the American Association of School Librarians (AASL)
- Academic Librarianship
- The Journal of Academic Librarianship
Open access journal from Elsevier. - ACRL News
A free online periodical published monthly from the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL). Archives available back to May 2004.
(This is one of my favorite publications and is useful for librarians from any area, not just academic libraries.) - College & Research Library News
Bimonthly scholarly journal from ACRL. All issues from 1939 to current are available. - ACRL White Papers
A list of white papers offered online by ACRL.
- Subject Librarianship
- Issues in Science & Technology Librarianship
This publication offers issues freely available on their website. It used to be published through ACRL, but is now published through the University of Alberta. Access the ACRL archives (2018 and earlier) at this link.
- Special & Government Librarianship
- Interface
Online blog-style publication of the Association of Specialized Government and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASGCLA). - Federal Librarian
Newsletter of the Federal and Armed Forces Libraries Round Table of the ALA. - DttP: Documents to the People
The official publication of the Government Documents Round Table (GODORT). Covers 2003 to current. Issues 1974-2002 are available at this link at Stanford's digital collections.
- Archives & Special Collections
- RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage
A bi-annual scholarly journal from ACRL that offers archives online from 2000 to current. - RBML: Rare Books and Manuscripts Librarianship
The predecessor of RMB, with archives from 1986 to 1999.
- Reference, User Services, & Technical Services
- Reference & User Services Quarterly
A publication of the Reference & User Services Association (RUSA) division of the ALA. - Library Resources & Technical Services
The official journal of the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services. Archives are free online up to the fifth-most-recent issue. Issues from 1997-2010 are available at this link, and issues from 1957-1996 are available at this link.
- Information Technology
- Information Technologies & International Development
Their website can be a little off on some browsers. If you aren't seeing anything, scroll way down. - Information Technology & Libraries
Refereed journal from the Library & Information Technology Association (LITA). - Journal of Library Automation
A discontinued journal from LITA, covering 1968-1981. - Smart Libraries Newsletter
Trade journal that is subscription-only for the most recent issues, but the archives are freely available. - Technology Electronic Reviews
A discontinued publication from LITA, covering 1995-2007.
- Infometrics, Data, & Statistics
- Journal of Infometrics
Open access journal from Elsevier that is more oriented towards data sets and statistics.
- Outreach, Engagement, & Service Learning
- The International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement
This journal has not been updated since 2017, so it may be defunct. - Penn State Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning & Community-Based Research
Undergraduate journal published once annually, general subjects but oriented towards education. - Journal of Community Engagement & Scholarship
- The Journal of Higher Education Outreach & Engagement
- Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning
- Partnerships: A Journal of Service-Learning & Civic Engagement
Subscription-Based Journals & Periodicals
- American Library Association & Its Divisions
- Choice Magazine - ACRL
- Choice Reviews - ACRL
- Library Technology Reports - ALA
- Young Adult Library Services - YALSA
- Elsevier
- Cataloging & Classification Quarterly
Contains some open access material.
- Emerald Publishing
- Journal of Documentation
Contains some open access material.
- Ergon Publishing House
- Knowledge Organization
- Taylor & Fancis
- Journal of Library Administration
- University & College Presses
- Journal of Community Engagement and Higher Education - Indiana State University
- The Library Quarterly - University of Chicago Press
- Library Trends - Johns Hopkins University Press